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XFL, USFL announce intention to merge

It’s official. Sort of.

The XFL and USFL have announced an intention to merge. Not a merger. Just an intention to merge.

“Today, the United States Football League (‘USFL’) and the XFL announced their intention to merge,” the leagues said in a joint release. “Subject to customary regulatory approvals and if the transaction is consummated, the new league will establish best-in-class operations based on the most recent seasons of both leagues. This historic combination will anchor professional spring football with substantial capabilities and resources to ensure future growth and continue to enhance the development of the collective players, coaches, and staff that are coming together.

“More details regarding the new league will be announced at a later date.”

There are plenty of details to be determined. Who will own the league? Who will televise the games? How many teams will there be?

That’s just a few of the most obvious questions. Much more will be determined, as the two leagues become one league of a name that is still to be determined.