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Next episode of Hard Knocks could feature Brian Daboll running the 40

Last week’s episode of Hard Knocks showed more about the Giants’ offseason strategies and processes than it should have. Tonight’s episode promises to cover a topic that won’t compromise the team’s interests.

How fast can coach Brian Daboll cover 40 yards in a straight line?

The teaser posted on Monday shows Daboll boasting during the Scouting Combine that he could run the 40 in seven seconds. Whether he actually chooses to run — and whether he can do it in seven seconds or faster — remains to be seen.

It remains to be seen whether this episode includes, as the first one did, criticism of players and/or internal disagreements about free agents and/or ownership involvement in decision-making and/or other stuff that the Giants would have been better off keeping out of public view.

Yes, the teams apparently still have final say over what does and doesn’t get in. There’s no guarantee, however, that good decisions will be made by the team when it comes to crafting the final cut of each episode.

We’ll see whether tonight’s decisions were any better than last week’s decisions.