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Dave Canales: Bryce Young glad he went through challenges of last season

Since the Panthers hired Dave Canales as their head coach earlier this year, he has stressed taking the pressure off of quarterback Bryce Young after a rough rookie season by building the team around him but there’s only so much that can be taken off of the back of the leader of an offense.

Regardless of other moves, Young will have to progress as a quarterback for Canales and the Panthers to succeed in 2024 and beyond. During the league meetings in Florida this week, Canales said he thinks Young’s “edge” will help him do that because the quarterback has welcomed the chance to overcome the difficulties that made for such a shaky start to his NFL career.

“I think that’s one of the things that I’ve learned about him,” Canales said, via the team’s website. “He’s like, ‘I’m glad I went through this past year. I’m glad I had the challenges of this because this is very different than anything that I’ve experienced up to this point,’ you know, and to feel him and to hear his hopefulness for where we’re headed, it’s exactly what you would hope to hear from your quarterback and, and from a guy that, that sees the best for himself going forward.”

Canales acknowledged that “it’s going to take some time” for Young to become the quarterback the team needs him to be, but he believes the shared commitment to do so between him and the team will pay off in the long run.