Consumer Reports

Car Thefts in San Diego Jumped 27% During 2021

Drivers should take extra steps to protect their vehicles

Blame the pandemic for something else: An increase in car thefts across the nation. In the City of San Diego, motor vehicle thefts jumped 27%. 

The economic downturn and public-safety limitations could be contributing factors. As Consumer Reports explains, the best defense against theft is a good offense, which starts in your own driveway.

There were 5,667 motor vehicle thefts from January 2021 through November 2021, according to data from the San Diego Police Department. For that same period in 2020, there were only 4,477. 

Tips for Preventing Car Thefts

Nationwide, more than 870,000 cars were stolen in 2020, but Consumer Reports says taking some small steps can make your car less of a target.

Simply having a light that turns on automatically if anyone approaches your garage can be effective in scaring away potential thieves.

That also means finding a spot in a well-lit area when you park on the street.

You may want to consider a security camera or a well-positioned video doorbell.

Consumer Reports says that anti-theft devices work. Some auto insurance companies will give discounts up to 15% if you have one.

You can also have a professional install an aftermarket alarm system, which often includes a blinking red light.

Those big clunky steering-wheel locks? The police say they work because they make your car look harder to steal.

The obvious tip bears repeating: Remove the car keys and lock the doors. If you leave the keys or your key fob in the vehicle and itโ€™s unlocked, itโ€™s an open invitation.

Consumer Reports say that a GPS tracker wonโ€™t prevent theft but can help find your car if itโ€™s stolen. Some basic aftermarket devices plug right into your vehicleโ€™s computer port, and many recent cars come with services like OnStar.

NBC 7 Responds is fighting to recover your money. If you feel youโ€™ve been wronged or treated unfairly, reach out to our team. We want to help get you answers as well as resolutions. Call us at (619) 578-0399 or fill out our complaint form online.

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