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Courtney Kube

Courtney Kube is a correspondent covering national security and the military for the NBC News Investigative Unit.

Courtney Kube is a correspondent covering national security and the military for the NBC News Investigative Unit.

Latest from Courtney Kube

41m ago

Navy sailor disciplined for trying to access Biden's medical records multiple times

A sailor assigned to a medical team at a base in Virginia tried unsuccessfully to access President Joe Biden’s medical records multiple times earlier this year.

The U.N. begins distributing food aid in Gaza brought ashore by the U.S. military for the first time since June 9

In Gaza, the U.N. World Food Programme on Friday distributed food aid brought ashore by the U.S. military pier system for the first time since June 9.

The U.S. readies to evacuate Americans from Lebanon if fighting between Israel and Hezbollah intensifies

The Pentagon is moving U.S. military assets closer to Israel and Lebanon to be ready to evacuate Americans as fighting between Israel and Hezbollah intensifies.

U.S., U.N. and Israeli officials meet to discuss restarting food aid distribution in Gaza

A U.N. official, an Israeli official and a U.S. military commander met Wednesday and discussed restarting aid distribution in Gaza, where 12 million pounds of supplies have been sitting for 18 days.

Reporters get rare glimpse of the U.S. military's troubled pier system in Gaza

NBC News was among a group of journalists granted access to the $230 million American-built pier system in Gaza for the first time.

U.S. military members discuss seeking conscientious objector status over support of Israel in Gaza

Air Force enlistees Larry Hebert Jr. and Juan Bettancourt are requesting to be conscientious objectors over U.S. support of Israel in its ongoing war in Gaza.

Can Israel defeat Hamas? Its own military doesn’t seem to think so, clashing with Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly rebuked his own military after IDF spokesman Hagari said Hamas could not be eliminated.

Kim Jong Un and Putin sign mutual defense pact as Russian leader visits North Korea

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new pact Wednesday that includes a pledge of mutual defense if either is attacked.
24d ago

Global leader of ISIS targeted and possibly killed in U.S. airstrike

The U.S. military targeted the global leader of ISIS in an airstrike in Somalia in May but cannot confirm if Abdulqadir Mumin is dead, three U.S. officials say.

Palestinian children battle a deadly foe in Gaza — starvation

Every morning, while the Israelis lay siege to Gaza, a battalion of Palestinian children carrying pots, plastic bottles, buckets and even empty paint cans mobilizes amid the ruins.

Biden admin has discussed potentially negotiating unilateral deal with Hamas to free U.S. hostages

U.S. officials have discussed potentially negotiating a unilateral deal with Hamas to secure the release of five Americans being held hostage in Gaza.