Reviews & Analysis

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  • Tuning the reversible chemistries in hydrogels makes it possible to mimic the dynamic nature of the extracellular matrix. Various chemistries have been incorporated to regulate cell spreading, biochemical presentation and matrix mechanics.

    • Adrianne M. Rosales
    • Kristi S. Anseth
    Review Article
  • Colloidal crystals composed of isotropic spheres are powerful model systems for the studies of crystallization, melting and solid–solid transitions at the single-particle level. Tunable, anisotropic or active particles provide greater opportunities to study crystal assembly and phase transitions.

    • Bo Li
    • Di Zhou
    • Yilong Han
    Review Article
  • Photoelectrochemical (PEC) devices offer the promise of efficient artificial photosynthesis. In this Review, recently developed light-harvesting materials for PEC application are scrutinized with respect to their atomic constitution, electronic structure and potential for practical performance in PEC cells.

    • Kevin Sivula
    • Roel van de Krol
    Review Article
  • Ionic liquids and their solid-state analogues, organic ionic plastic crystals, have recently emerged as important materials for renewable energy applications. This Review highlights recent advances in the synthesis of these materials and their application as electrolytes for batteries, capacitors, photovoltaics, fuel cells and CO2 reduction.

    • Douglas R. MacFarlane
    • Maria Forsyth
    • Jie Zhang
    Review Article
  • Conventional synthesis of nanocarbons, such as graphene, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, yields mixtures of molecules with varying structures. However, harnessing the full potential of these materials demands atomically precise synthesis methods. Recent advances using organic chemistry are discussed in this Review.

    • Yasutomo Segawa
    • Hideto Ito
    • Kenichiro Itami
    Review Article
  • Density functional theory has become an indispensable tool in the design of new materials. This Review details the principles of computational materials design, highlighting examples of the successful prediction and subsequent experimental verification of materials for energy harvesting, conversion and storage.

    • Anubhav Jain
    • Yongwoo Shin
    • Kristin A. Persson
    Review Article
  • Angiogenesis is mediated by cytokines that function in concert with the extracellular matrix as a biofunctional physiological materials system. By analysing this system, design rules can be identified for biomimetic synthetic materials systems to induce therapeutic angiogenesis.

    • Priscilla S. Briquez
    • Lindsay E. Clegg
    • Jeffrey A. Hubbell
    Review Article
  • Ice repellency can be achieved on various hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces, although a surface that repels ice under all environmental scenarios remains elusive. Different strategies are reviewed with a focus on the recent development of superhydrophobic and lubricant-infused surfaces.

    • Michael J. Kreder
    • Jack Alvarenga
    • Joanna Aizenberg
    Review Article