Extended Data Fig. 5: Intact Forest Landscape mapping. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Intact Forest Landscape mapping.

From: Human degradation of tropical moist forests is greater than previously estimated

Extended Data Fig. 5

Intact forest landscape (IFL) mapping of the year 2020 in 1.5-degree grid cells between 30°N and 30°S. (a) Area of TMF-based IFL (here referred to as Bourgoin - the main author of this study - approach). Dark grey grid cells present no IFL area. (b) Area of IFL derived from Potapov’s 2020. The extent was restricted to the tropical moist forest domain. We further excluded mangrove, forest conversion to water detected in the JRC-TMF dataset and bamboo-dominated forest areas to allow comparison with our approach. (c) Difference in area between our approach (i.e. JRC-derived/Bourgoin) and Potapov’s.

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