Extended Data Fig. 3: Stratigraphic ranges for all 874 ostracod taxa in the IAA in this study. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Stratigraphic ranges for all 874 ostracod taxa in the IAA in this study.

From: Cenozoic history of the tropical marine biodiversity hotspot

Extended Data Fig. 3

The ostracod taxa (780 species, and 94 genus level entries) are classified by their earliest stratigraphic occurrence, i.e., Eocene, Oligocene, early Miocene, middle Miocene, late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene taxa. The range for each taxon is computed by connecting the minimum and maximum ages of the taxon occurrence by a vertical line, and individual taxa occurrences are indicated by dots. Within each interval, the taxa are ranked by the age of first occurrence. Dashed horizontal lines indicate chronostratigraphic boundary. Abbreviations as in Extended Data Fig. 2.

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