Extended Data Fig. 2: Ostracod diversity trajectory over the Cenozoic in the IAA, based on species richness from rarefaction E(S200) for sediment samples (n = 111). | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Ostracod diversity trajectory over the Cenozoic in the IAA, based on species richness from rarefaction E(S200) for sediment samples (n = 111).

From: Cenozoic history of the tropical marine biodiversity hotspot

Extended Data Fig. 2

Box hinges represent the first and third quartiles with the center as median, and whiskers extend to 1.5× the interquartile range (IQR) from the first and third quartiles. Minima and maxima beyond the whiskers are individually plotted outlying points. Eoc: Eocene; Oligo: Oligocene; earlyMio: early Miocene; midMio: middle Miocene; lateMio: late Miocene; Plio: Pliocene; Pleisto: Pleistocene.

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