Extended Data Fig. 8: Estimation of regional diversity dynamics in the IAA across the Cenozoic with 5 Myr bin. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Estimation of regional diversity dynamics in the IAA across the Cenozoic with 5 Myr bin.

From: Cenozoic history of the tropical marine biodiversity hotspot

Extended Data Fig. 8

Bayesian inferences of (a) speciation rates per lineage, (b) extinction rates per lineage, (c) net diversification rates as the difference between speciation and extinction rates (rates below 0 indicate declining diversity), and (d) the changes in species richness. Solid lines indicate mean posterior rates, and the shaded areas show the 95% confidence interval. Early Oligocene, early Miocene, late Miocene, Pleistocene are shaded. Vertical dotted lines indicate epoch boundaries.

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