Extended Data Fig. 1: RMSDCα of designed TIM-barrel structures vs the target fold crystal structure (PDB ID: 5BVL). | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: RMSD of designed TIM-barrel structures vs the target fold crystal structure (PDB ID: 5BVL).

From: Computational design of soluble and functional membrane protein analogues

Extended Data Fig. 1

a, Backbone RMSD deviations of input structures used for ProteinMPNN sequence redesign. b, Backbone RMSD deviations of the highest ranked AF2 predicted structure derived from the ProteinMPNN-designed sequences from panel a. c, Sequence recovery percentage by ProteinMPNN in the core and on the surface with different values of Gaussian noise applied to the backbone atoms. d, The e-values of the generated ProteinMPNN sequences with varying degrees of noise compared to AF2seq generated sequences. e, Backbone RMSD deviations of predicted structures of ProteinMPNN and AF2seq generated sequences. f, AF2 confidence (pLDDT) scores of predicted structures.

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