Extended Data Fig. 7: Sequence and structural conservation analysis of GPCR-like folds (GLF). | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Sequence and structural conservation analysis of GPCR-like folds (GLF).

From: Computational design of soluble and functional membrane protein analogues

Extended Data Fig. 7

a, Cartoon representation of a GLF colored by residue diversity of the in vitro validated folded designs. b, The sequence diversity of all GLF designs is visualized on a per-residue level in the plot, with a dotted line indicating the average sequence diversity across the structure. c, Sequence logo of residues in experimentally validated and folded GLF designs. The natural GLF contained a highly conserved DRY motif in the first intracellular loop (residues 26 to 28) and a PXXY motif (residues 225 to 227) in the seventh helix which are not present in our designs. All other positions depicted contained proline residues in the design target, which have a higher prevalence for some positions but are not required. d, Cartoon depiction of the crystal structure of GLF_18 colored by backbone RMSD per residue when compared against the target fold (left) and the design model (right), with individual values plotted in panel e. f, Depiction of the GLF_32 crystal structure colored by backbone RMSD, with individual values plotted per residue in panel g.

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