Extended Data Fig. 6: Backbone RMSDCαs of CLF_4 and RPF_9 crystal structures relative to the target fold and design model. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Backbone RMSDs of CLF_4 and RPF_9 crystal structures relative to the target fold and design model.

From: Computational design of soluble and functional membrane protein analogues

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Cartoon representation of the crystal structure of CLF_4, with the left and right models colored by backbone RMSD per residue when compared against the target fold and the design model, respectively. b, RMSD per residue values for both comparisons. In the comparison with the target fold the largest differences are found in the β-sheet region. c, Cartoon representation of the crystal structure of RPF_9, with the left and right structures colored by backbone RMSD per residue when compared against the target fold and the design model, respectively. d, RMSD per residue values for both comparisons. The loop region between residues 35 and 42 was not structurally similar between the RPF_9 design and the target fold, however, the X-ray structure closely matches the designed model.

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