Extended Data Fig. 8: Comparison between GigaPath trained using Prov-Path and HIPT trained using Prov-Path on cancer subtyping. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Comparison between GigaPath trained using Prov-Path and HIPT trained using Prov-Path on cancer subtyping.

From: A whole-slide foundation model for digital pathology from real-world data

Extended Data Fig. 8

a-f, Bar plots showing the AUROC (a,c,e) and BACC (b,d,f) of cancer subtyping tasks by Prov-GigaPath and HIPT-Prov-Path. HIPT-Prov-Path indicates HIPT pretrained on Prov-Path. The error bars show the standard error across n = 10 independent experiments and the bar centre shows the mean value. The listed p-value indicates the significance level that Prov-GigaPath outperforms the HIPT-Prov-Path, with one-sided Wilcoxon test.

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