Extended Data Fig. 2: Titanium dynamic strength and hardness. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Titanium dynamic strength and hardness.

From: Metals strengthen with increasing temperature at extreme strain rates

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, The impact velocity versus CoR is plotted on a double-logarithmic scale for alumina impacts on titanium substrates at 20 °C (blue) and 200 °C (red). Yd for each impact temperature is calculated to be Yd,20°C = 776 MPa and Yd,200°C = 890 MPa. Uncertainty in measured velocities is ±2%, which is on the order of the size of the data markers. b, Hd of titanium is plotted for both 20 °C (blue) and 200 °C (red). For impact at similar strain rates, the tests at 200 °C show a higher hardness, and measurement uncertainties are on the order of the size of the data markers.

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