Extended Data Fig. 2: Visual stimuli. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Visual stimuli.

From: Temporal multiplexing of perception and memory codes in IT cortex

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Screening stimuli. Eight out of nine personally familiar faces are shown. Example unfamiliar stimuli are shown here; a new set was presented for every recording site, drawn from image sets described in the Methods. Note that unfamiliar human faces and unfamiliar objects are not the actual stimuli but synthetic images similar to the actual stimuli, due to difficulty in obtaining permission for publication. b, Examples of unfamiliar faces in the thousand face stimulus set. Monkey faces were generated by a 120d shape-appearance model (see Methods). The thousand monkey face stimulus set was extremely diverse, allowing subsets of faces to be chosen that were matched in feature distributions to familiar faces (see Supplementary Methods). Shown here are examples from two subsets, one matched to the personally familiar faces, and one matched to all familiar faces. c, Additional familiar faces (pictorially and cinematically familiar).

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