Extended Data Fig. 8: Matching the face features of familiar and unfamiliar faces. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Matching the face features of familiar and unfamiliar faces.

From: Temporal multiplexing of perception and memory codes in IT cortex

Extended Data Fig. 8

a, Distribution of variances of first 20 features for 30 familiar and 30 unfamiliar feature-matched faces (two-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S) test, p = 0.96, K-S statistic (D) = 0.15, n = 20 features). b, Distribution of pairwise distances in face feature space (first 20 features) for the 30 familiar and 30 unfamiliar feature-matched faces (K-S test, p = 0.51, D = 0.055, n = 435 face pairs). c, Distribution of values for the top 20 features for the 30 familiar and 30 unfamiliar feature-matched faces; the number above each plot gives the p value of K-S test (n = 30 faces) between the two feature distributions. d, Images of the 30 familiar and 30 unfamiliar feature-matched faces.

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