Extended Data Fig. 6: Temporal pole face patch (TP) did not respond specifically to personally familiar faces. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Temporal pole face patch (TP) did not respond specifically to personally familiar faces.

From: Temporal multiplexing of perception and memory codes in IT cortex

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Left: replicate of Fig. 2a from Landi et al.23 using the data they published. Right: average z-Scores of familiar monkey faces for each cell, showing the population average of z-Scores (bar plot on the left bottom) was dominated by a small fraction of cells. b, Replotted population summary balancing the contribution of each cell by normalizing each cell’s response by its maximum across all stimuli. c, replicate of Fig. 1c from Landi et al.23 showing face patch TP in two animals d, MRI image overlaid with face patches showing location of TP which we recorded from in two animals. e, Stimuli depicting unfamiliar faces from other species; the images shown are synthetic images similar to the actual stimuli, due to difficulty in obtaining permission for publication. f, Responses of cells to stimuli from seven stimulus categories (familiar human faces, unfamiliar human faces, familiar monkey faces, unfamiliar monkey faces, familiar objects, unfamiliar objects, and unfamiliar faces from other species) recorded from face patch TP in two animals. Responses were averaged between 50 to 300 ms after stimulus onset.

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