Extended Data Fig. 5: Angiosperm-wide diversification and gene tree conflict through time. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Angiosperm-wide diversification and gene tree conflict through time.

From: Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms

Extended Data Fig. 5

This is equivalent to Fig. 3 but for the old tree (maximum constraint at the root node of 247 Ma). a, Estimated net diversification rate through time (yellow, left y-axis) and the level of gene tree conflict through time (blue, right y-axis). Net diversification rates are estimated with a model that enables speciation rates to vary between time intervals; the line is the posterior mean and the yellow shaded area is the 95% highest posterior density. Gene tree conflict is calculated from the percentage of gene trees that do not share a congruent bipartition with each species tree branch, with the plotted value being the mean across all species tree branches that cross each 2.5 Myr time slice. b, Cumulative percentage of extant orders and families that have originated through time. In both a and b, the background grey-scale gradient is the estimated percentage of extant lineages represented in the species tree through time (“sampling fraction”).

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