Extended Data Fig. 3: Comparison of stem ages of families and orders inferred in this study and Ramírez-Barahona et al.5. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Comparison of stem ages of families and orders inferred in this study and Ramírez-Barahona et al.5.

From: Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms

Extended Data Fig. 3

a and b, Stem age comparison between our young tree (maximum constraint at the root node of 154 Ma) and the dataset CC_complete of Ramírez-Barahona et al.5. a, Ages in each study, coloured according to taxonomic rank and b, Age differences, calculated as age in this study minus age in Ramírez-Barahona et al.5 c and d, Stem ages comparison between our old tree (maximum constraint at the root node of 247 Ma) and the dataset UC_complete from Ramírez-Barahona et al.5 c, Ages in each study, coloured according to taxonomic rank and d, Age differences, calculated as age in this study minus age in Ramírez-Barahona et al.5.

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