Extended Data Fig. 7: Goal-dependent scaling of PFL3 activity is more prominent in the spike rate than in the somatic membrane potential. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Goal-dependent scaling of PFL3 activity is more prominent in the spike rate than in the somatic membrane potential.

From: Converting an allocentric goal into an egocentric steering signal

Extended Data Fig. 7

a, After determining a cell’s preferred heading angle from the overall tuning curve (Extended Data Fig. 6d), we plotted a set of tuning curves with a shifted x-axis for each cell, so as to always have this preferred angle at zero. Here we show such preferred-phase nulled tuning curves binned by the fly’s goal angle relative to the cell’s preferred direction. Each row represents a different cell. Each column (and color) represents a different bin of goal angles relative to cell’s preferred direction, with the middle angle of that bin represented by the purple arrow. Because single flies typically adopted only a few goal directions throughout a recording session, this led to the many missing tuning curves. Likewise, some tuning curves are missing data in some portions of the x-axis because for each goal direction, a fly does not typically experience the full range of heading directions, even with our bar jumps aiming to minimize this issue. For each cell, there is between 40 ms to 14 min of data contributing to each heading/goal bin. The horizontal, dotted, grey lines indicate a spike rate of 0 Hz. Error bars show s.e.m. b, Mean spike rate across all cells. Thin lines: individual cells. Thick line: mean across cells. Top row is the same as Fig. 3f. c, Same as in panel a but plotting membrane potential (spikes removed) (Methods). For each row (i.e., cell), the grey dotted line represents the row’s minimum membrane potential. The cell # identifiers shown on the right are identical to those used in Extended Data Fig. 6 and these numbers apply also to panel a. d, Mean membrane potential (spikes removed) across all cells. These plots were generated by averaging the raw membrane potential, which was corrected for the same 13 mV liquid-liquid junction potential across all recordings, but not shifted by the minimum membrane potential for each cell prior to averaging. Thin lines: individual cells. Thick line: mean across cells.

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