Extended Data Fig. 5: Illustrations of GDP per capita and greenhouse gases from energy needed to end extreme poverty. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Illustrations of GDP per capita and greenhouse gases from energy needed to end extreme poverty.

From: Ending extreme poverty has a negligible impact on global greenhouse gas emissions

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, GDP per capita in India, b, CO2e from energy in India, c. GDP per capita in Nigeria, d, CO2e from energy in Nigeria: All panels show the poverty-alleviation scenario and no-poverty-reduction scenario, in which poor countries do not grow beyond 2022. The yellow area is the additional GDP/capita or greenhouse gases needed to end extreme poverty. The figures also include a growth-forecast-scenario, which shows the GDP and greenhouse gases towards 2050 if the countries grow according to IMF growth expectations, which may be more or less than the growth needed to end extreme poverty.

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