Extended Data Fig. 4: Evidence for a multiphase Magellanic CGM. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Evidence for a multiphase Magellanic CGM.

From: Observations of a Magellanic Corona

Extended Data Fig. 4

a, Histograms and Gaussian kernel density estimates (KDEs) of the residuals between predicted ion column densities from Cloudy photoionization models and measured ion column densities, normalized by their standard deviation uncertainties. The histograms are shown for low ions (C II, Si II and Al II; dashed lines in blue, yellow and green, respectively) and high ions (C IV and Si IV; solid lines in pink and orange, respectively). b, The inferred gas temperatures for the photoionized gas (blue; \({\log }_{10}({T}_{{\rm{e}}}/{\rm{K}})=4.0{2}_{-0.04}^{+0.07}\)) and the collisionally ionized gas under equilibrium (grey; \({\log }_{10}({T}_{{\rm{e}}}/{\rm{K}})=4.9{2}_{-0.02}^{+0.05}\)) and non-equilibrium isochoric (brown; \({\log }_{10}({T}_{{\rm{e}}}/{\rm{K}})=4.8{7}_{-0.06}^{+0.09}\); high-temperature solution only) models16. c,d, measured linewidths for C II and C IV absorption (upper; c) and Si II and Si IV absorption (lower; d).

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