Extended Data Fig. 1: Results of the G-S algorithm. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: Results of the G-S algorithm.

From: Analogue quantum chemistry simulation

Extended Data Fig. 1

a, b, We apply the G-S algorithm to identify the phase mask associated with a holographic 3D Coulomb potential on a lattice of N3 sites. Fixing the origin at the central site, we choose the nucleus position as n = [(2ndiv)−1, 0, 0] (the first coordinate is shifted so that the lattice induces a natural cutoff). a, An axial central cut of the potential (yellow markers) in direction z (see aligned set of sites in b; red), created by a phase mask composed of (ndivN) × (ndivN) cells for ndiv = 3 (see inset), compared to the objective Coulomb potential (blue solid line). In step (ii) of the algorithm, the Ewald sphere is discretized using a parallel projection, as in ref. 31. The field is initiated with random phases. Parameters: N = 30 and 7,000 iterations of the G-S algorithm. b, Location of the axial cut shown in a.

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