Extended Data Fig. 6: MDMA-induced LTD in the NAc requires OTR, SERT, and 5HTR4 activation. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: MDMA-induced LTD in the NAc requires OTR, SERT, and 5HTR4 activation.

From: Oxytocin-dependent reopening of a social reward learning critical period with MDMA

Extended Data Fig. 6

ai, Representative traces (a, d, g), summary time course (b, e, h), and average post-treatment magnitude comparisons (c, f, i) reveal that OT-LTD occludes MDMA-induced LTD (ac, n = 7 cells, t(6) = 1.639, P = 0.152; two-tailed paired t-test). The SERT antagonist fluoxetine (10 µM) blocks MDMA-induced but not OT-induced LTD (df, MDMA (n = 6 cells), OT (n = 4 cells), t(8) = 2.429, P = 0.041; two-tailed unpaired t-test). The 5HTR4 antagonist SB203186 (10 µM) blocks MDMA-LTD but not OT-LTD (gi, n = 7 cells, t(12) = 3.818, P = 0.002; two tailed unpaired t-test). *P < 0.05; n.s., comparisons not significant (P > 0.05).

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