Extended Data Fig. 2: The normal B cell counterpart of CLL cells are CD5+ B cells derived from lymphoid tissue. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: The normal B cell counterpart of CLL cells are CD5+ B cells derived from lymphoid tissue.

From: Widespread intronic polyadenylation inactivates tumour suppressor genes in leukaemia

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Hierarchical clustering of normal human B cells (naive B (NB), memory B (MemB) and CD5+ B) derived from lymphoid tissues or peripheral blood based on mRNA expression obtained from RNA-seq. The heat map shows the 20% most variable genes across the dataset (n = 1,887). The gene expression profiles of B cell subsets derived from peripheral blood or lymphoid tissue differ substantially, although the same markers were used for purification. b, As in a, but RNA-seq data from CLL samples were added to the analysis. The heat map shows the 20% most variable genes across the dataset (n = 2,078). CLL samples cluster with tissue-derived and not with blood-derived normal immune cells. c, Number of all differentially expressed genes from the analysis shown in b.

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