Extended Data Fig. 9: Cancer-upregulated IPA isoforms are also detected in breast cancer and T-ALL. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 9: Cancer-upregulated IPA isoforms are also detected in breast cancer and T-ALL.

From: Widespread intronic polyadenylation inactivates tumour suppressor genes in leukaemia

Extended Data Fig. 9

a, MAGI3 is a TSG that is preferentially targeted by IPA in breast cancer27. Shown is the mutation profile obtained from MSK cbio portal. b, Expression of IPA isoforms in T-ALL detected by RNA-seq. Shown are 3′-seq and RNA-seq tracks of a representative mRNA (out of n = 101) from CLL samples, T-ALL samples and normal thymus. The T-ALL RNA-seq data were obtained previously32. We detected n = 381 IPA isoforms in at least one T-ALL sample, n = 133 in at least one thymus sample, n = 104 in at least one T-ALL and one thymus sample, and n = 101 in at least two T-ALL samples, but not in any of the thymus samples.

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