Extended Data Fig. 8: Model inputs for historical prediction and future projection. | Nature Climate Change

Extended Data Fig. 8: Model inputs for historical prediction and future projection.

From: Widespread deoxygenation in warming rivers

Extended Data Fig. 8

Two types of inputs are required to run the model for DO and WT, that is, time-series of daily hydro-meteorological forcing and constant basin attributes. In the historical prediction, meteorological forcing data are from the NLDAS-2, DAYMET, and LamaH-CE (see Methods). Basin attributes are from the GAGES-II and LamaH-CE. In the future projection, historical variables of temperature (Tavg, Tmax, Tmin) and precipitation were replaced (red box) with these projected variables from the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 dataset while others that are not available remained the same as in the historical periods (blue box). With these new projected temperature and precipitation variables, their long-term means were updated as new basin attributes (red box) in the future scenarios.

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