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How accurate is accurate enough for measuring sea-level rise and variability


Sea-level measurements from radar satellite altimetry have reached a high level of accuracy and precision, which enables detection of global mean sea-level rise and attribution of most of the rate of rise to greenhouse gas emissions. This achievement is far beyond the original objectives of satellite altimetry missions. However, recent research shows that there is still room for improving the performance of satellite altimetry. Reduced uncertainties would enable regionalization of the detection and attribution of the anthropogenic signal in sea-level rise and provide new observational constraints on the water–energy cycle response to greenhouse gas emissions by improving the estimate of the ocean heat uptake and the Earth energy imbalance.

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Fig. 1: Sea-level changes.
Fig. 2: Sea-level trend uncertainties.
Fig. 3: Partitioning of GMSL trend uncertainty sources.
Fig. 4: EEI from satellite altimetry and space gravimetry data compared with CERES observations.

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This work was partially supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) Analysis of the Uncertainty of the Stability of the Altimeter Measurement of Sea Level Rise (ASELSU) study contract no. 4000135959/21/NL/AD. It was also partially supported by the ESA Climate Change Initiative sea-level budget closure (phase 2) project. This work was supported by the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, with a focus on Sentinel 6/MF.

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B.M. led and conducted the study and wrote most of the manuscript. M.A., A.G. and P.P. participated in the writing of the Methods. M.A., A.G., P.P., A. Barnoud, A. Blazquez, S.F. and V.R. contributed to the data processing and figure generation. All authors contributed to scientific and technical discussions and read and approved the content of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Benoit Meyssignac.

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Nature Climate Change thanks Mohammad Bagherbandi, Abdul-Lateef Balogun and Florian Seitz for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Meyssignac, B., Ablain, M., Guérou, A. et al. How accurate is accurate enough for measuring sea-level rise and variability. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 796–803 (2023).

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