Say goodbye to the machine, mask, tubing, and power cord of CPAP. There is an innovative and patient friendly alternative coming to the UK.

Set to become available in the UK in May 2024, OADS will pre-launch the O2Vent while exhibiting at BDIA Dental Showcase at ExCeL London, 22-23 March.

O2Vent is becoming the patients' choice in Canada and Australia for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Traditionally, OSA patients are routinely prescribed CPAP, however, this doesn't usually provide a good night's sleep. O2Vent is customised to fit each patient, delivering a comfortable and discreet alternative. If there's a blockage, air is drawn in through the device to the back of the throat, all while stabilising the lower jaw, bringing the tongue forward, and opening the airway.

Head to BDIA Dental Showcase to find out more about O2Vent on stand J21 and register for a sample.

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