State/Federal Tax, Internal Revenue Service & Treasury Legal Updates

Tax law is one of the most complex areas of the law.  The recent legislation, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts (TCJA), the first major change to tax law since 1986, had many implications for business owners, as well as private individuals for tax filing purposes. Almost every decision a business makes may have tax consequences, and the National Law Review has legal analysis of the new TCJA legislation as well as updates on the IRS interpretations and guidance documents.

State Tax Laws (SALT)

Additionally, the National Law Review has coverage of many state tax laws, as well as states' responses to the TCJA.   These SALT issues are carefully analyzed by the legal experts who write for the National Law Review.  Along with state income tax rules, there is also information on how states are handling aspects of the gig economy, as well as state responses to changes with the individual mandate under the Affordable Care Act.

GILTI Tax, Estate, Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax

From new tax implications under GILTI tax (Global Intangible Low Taxed Income) to deductions under the IRC for gifts and estate transfers, visitors can find the latest stories in relation to both business and personal tax laws. Visitors can read about the implications the TCJA has on multinational companies, how the BEAT tax (Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax) is calculated, or the effects estate taxes will have when deciding who to leave property to in a will.

Tax Deductions & Credits

With the evolving tax situations, there are many questions related to which tax credits and deductions are still on the table.  The National Law Review offers analysis of changing tax regulations, interpreting legislation to answer questions related to tax credits like the Family and Medical Leave Tax Credit as well as Historic Tax Credit, and renewable energy tax credits.

The National Law Review also covers stories and news about nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and how the current tax legislation affects these companies. Among the topics covered on the site are transfer taxes, estate taxes, tangible and property tax law, bankruptcy, restructuring, and tax implications on real estate. From news about tax implications on multinational organizations involved in international deals and relations to tax implications under ACA (Affordable Care Act) and HSA (health savings accounts), visitors will always find the latest tax law covered on the National Law Review site.

Updates on Federal Agencies Related to Tax

The National Law Review provides news and coverage on federal taxing agencies including the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Department of Treasury, and state and local government agencies, which dictate tax laws. For coverage on state, national, federal, and international taxes, and how TCJA affects these taxes, the National Law Review provides the latest, in-depth news coverage for its visitors.

National Law Review Tax Law TwitterFor hourly updates on the latest IRS and tax law news, be sure to follow our Tax Law X (formerly Twitter) feed, and sign up for complimentary e-news bulletins.

National Law Review, Volume VI, Number 241