Cybersecurity, Privacy, Telecom, & Media Law News

The legal industry and technology are intertwined. Technology presents many legal challenges to companies, lawyers, and legal professionals, due to cybersecurity demands, data breach concerns, and media regulations. The National Law Review features the latest news, litigation, stories, and coverage related to legislation in the industry, and the ever-evolving changes which arise because of how quickly technology changes are occurring today.

Regulations on Communications & Media: Including TCPA, GDPR, and FCC

Media and communications news covered by the National Law Review includes FCC (Federal Communications Commission) enforcement actions, cybercrime and terrorism stories, TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) violations, email communications, social media platforms, and how to properly navigate them in a professional setting, telecommunications laws, and compliance issues and concerns. Staffing changes at the FCC, litigation and regulation changes, including the state of net neutrality, are covered by the legal experts who write for the National Law Review.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation

Legislation like the Telephone Consumer Protection and international regulations such as the EU’s  GDPR,  companies must take the time to update their privacy standards and must understand the complexities of this area of law, in order to avoid legal repercussions when engaging with customers in the US and around the world. The National Law Review has legal experts who analyze litigation related to the TCPA as it impacts healthcare, debt collection, and other areas.  Additionally, many facets of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation; including notes on applicability, GDPR company compliance, and definitions of GDPR terminology are analyzed by the legal experts at NLR.

Legal Communication Concerns across Industries

Because the internet and technology change on what seems to be a daily basis, it can be difficult for companies to properly navigate these changes, concepts, and ensure they are complying with legislation in these areas. Some of the concepts businesses must be aware of in terms of cybersecurity and media that the National Law Review covers include domain name registrations, gTLDs (generic top-level domain names), international legislation in data and cybersecurity, HIPAA legislation, and data protection and cybersecurity laws. Additionally, with telemedicine taking a forefront in the field of healthcare, ransomware and data theft occurring daily, and continual security breaches occurring in the US and around the world, like the WannaCry Ransomware incident, companies must take proper measures in safeguarding their networks and servers to protect their clients’ personal information.

We report on these issues, concerns, and news stories regularly. In addition to regulations and legislation in the US, visitors can also read about international provisions and safeguards, including EU Safe Harbor and Privacy Shield, Canadian Anti-Spam laws, and other international protections, to avoid major data and cybersecurity breaches.

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National Law Review, Volume VI, Number 241