Election & Voting Law, Campaign Finance, & Legislative Updates

Election laws are constantly changing, and since they can have a profound impact on leadership, they are very important and can have a significant impact on the way elections are carried out.  Because of this, individuals in the field, elected officials, campaign committees, and political party committees/political organizers, must familiarize themselves with the latest laws and regulations surrounding the area of law.

The National Law Review routinely covers emerging news on legislation and litigation impacting the campaign trail and elections at the state, local, and government levels. In addition to elections, details about campaign financing, and where agencies can garner campaign funds from, are also covered on the site. Litigation on these issues, such as foreign nationals' campaign contributions and the US Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United is carefully analyzed by the legal experts at the National Law Review.

From general news surrounding the Trump transition and current administration to changes made with Bipartisan budget bills, New international tariffs, and Presidential appointments to office, of various government agencies, are among the stories/topics covered by the National Law Review. News relating to the Federal Election Committee (FEC), Political Action Committees (PACs), and other government agencies/regulations surrounding the campaign and election-cycles, are frequently updated on the site.

Legislation through Congress, pending House bills, government shutdowns, Bipartisan Budget Bills, and the latest coverage of DACA and other immigration reform bills, are among the many topics covered under this broad area of law. Legislation in the states and in Washington DC is also covered as new bills are debated and voted on across a variety of fields; such as healthcare and tax,  the National Law Review reports on the progress of the legislation and how it might impact companies in those fields.

Visitors will find weekly legislative updates from a variety of sources, Senate and House agenda notes, and updates on international government and election news updated on the NLR website.

Additionally, NLR covers election and legislative news from overseas, especially in the United Kingdom and the European Union.  Issues like the “Brexit-split” and news from the governing bodies of the European Union and other nations are also covered.

National Law Review Legal News TwitterFor hourly updates on the latest in election legality news, legislation, voter regulation & controversy, state and federal election litigation, court procedures, and more be sure to follow the National Law Review Twitter feed and sign up for complimentary e-news bulletins.

National Law Review, Volume VI, Number 241