Leonard (Len) MacPhee

As the Co-Chair of Polsinelli’s Global Franchise and Supply Network practice, Len focuses on analyzing and advising clients on significant supply network matters, including on a pre-litigation basis. He frequently represents national and global clients in structuring and negotiating business strategies for the rollout of products and diverse distribution methods on global and national supply network franchise and distribution matters, as well as transitions and wind-down of franchise and distribution systems.  

Representing franchisors, suppliers, manufacturers and other businesses before state, federal and appellate courts, as well as in arbitration panels, Len frequently litigates commercial issues and business disputes related to termination and non-renewal and defends brands in claims challenging system-wide practices. His counseling and litigation practice includes disputes related to:

© Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California
National Law Review, Volume X, Number 71