How Hearst Realized 6X ROI On Their Ad Platform Implementation

Hearst leveraged Nativo’s Enterprise Ad Platform (EAP) to improve campaign delivery, efficiency, and ultimately, sales.

Hearst leveraged Nativo’s Enterprise Ad Platform (EAP) to improve campaign delivery, efficiency, and ultimately, sales. Leveraging the platform resulted in a 6x return on overall investment for Hearst.


Hearst sought to partner with a robust and full-service native ad platform that provides access to a premium demand network.

Their goal? Equip their sales and Hearst StoryStudio teams with tools and technologies to support business growth and efficient operations for their native advertising. Specifically, Hearst was looking for technology that enabled their direct sales team, improved operational efficiency, and provided access to unique demand sources.



Hearst partnered with Nativo to implement the Enterprise Ad Platform to build a repeatable native advertising business. Hearst leveraged the platform in three categories: sales enablement, operational efficiency, and demand.


The Enterprise Ad Platform armed Hearst with integrated native ad units that offered clients the opportunity to test multiple creatives across their properties. Nativo’s ability to support multiple rate types allowed Hearst’s sales efforts to scale by providing flexible pricing to accommodate each clients’ campaign goals.


Hearst StoryStudio leveraged the advanced engagement level reporting with the integrated auto-optimization to streamline creative workflows and improve campaign performance for their clients.


Nativo increased Hearst’s topline revenue numbers through its engaging native ad executions, delivering high yield and CPMs. Hearst prioritized demand sources between direct-sold, Nativo premium, and open marketplaces to meet their revenue objectives.

The platform automatically optimizes our creatives and campaigns for the best headline and image which has generated excellent performance and improved efficiency. Our clients have been pleased with the improved performance seen, and the fact that it happens auto-magically pleases our AdOps teams.

- Wade Best | Director, Ad Operations


With the help of Nativo’s Enterprise Ad Platform, Hearst achieved immediate impact across their organization with:

  • 6X Return on Investment

Leveraging Nativo premium demand alongside the Enterprise Ad  Platform to prioritize Hearst direct-sold campaigns with minimal investment, the team saw 6x greater ROI.

  • 4X Increase in Efficiency on Campaign Trafficking

Combining Nativo’s dynamic content optimization and streamlined campaign workflows, the team recaptured time; time they utilized to build and launch more campaigns.


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