Drink Up 2018

Lord help us, it’s summertime in Tennessee. But that doesn’t only mean Jurassic-size mosquitos and air so thick and sweltering you have to slice through it with a cleaver just to go for an evening stroll. It also means it’s time for drinks. There are shandies to be sipped, cocktails to be swilled, wines to be imbibed and, yes, even some nonalcoholic beverages to be enjoyed. In the Scene’s annual drink issue, we take a tour of some wineries and vineyards, explore a wide range of summer-appropriate refreshments (by color!), tip back a couple of shandies, seek out Nashville’s best frosés and check in on the city’s breweries.

So kick back, take a personal day, and drink up!

Wine Wine Twang Twang!

A quick tour of three Nashville-area wineries — and one vineyard

By Stephen Elliott, Nancy Floyd, Amanda Haggard and D. Patrick Rodgers

Shandy-O, I Need You So

It’s time to start putting fruit juice in your beer — and you can start at Von Elrod’s

By Steve Cavendish

Toast the Rainbow

Refreshment comes in every color during summertime in Nashville

By Ashley Brantley

Frosé All Day

Here’s the scoop on the best icy wine concoctions to cool off your hot summer days

By Cari Wade Gervin

Click here for a downloadable version of our beer map.

Drink Up 2018

Drink Up 2018