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A researcher bends forward to reach into a 3D frame to manipulate the technology suspended in the center via mounting hardware and surrounded by black and red wires and a blue cable.
From left to right: Frank Soboczenski, Lead Machine Learning Scientist; Philippe Ludivig, Lead Payload Engineer; Sara Jennings, CEO and Principal Investigator; and Kolbron Schoenberger, Payload Science Intern.

Launched in 2021, the TechLeap Prize seeks to rapidly identify and develop space technologies through a series of challenges that each address a specific technology need for NASA and the nation. In addition to a cash prize, winners also receive access to a suborbital or orbital flight opportunity on a commercial flight platform. Managed by NASA’s Flight Opportunities program, TechLeap is conducted under the America COMPETES Act and is administered by Carrot, NASA’s Tournament Lab contractor.

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Details about the TechLeap Prize | The Challenges | Webinars | News

Challenge Details

Who is eligible to apply?

TechLeap is open to qualified commercial businesses, academic institutions, entrepreneurs, and other innovators.

Visit the TechLeap website
Zachary Gaines, a rising senior in Cal Poly Pomona’s Bronco Space Lab, points out the camera and sensor used in the team’s Bronco Ember technology to detect and track wildfires and other terrestrial events on Earth and other planets.
Zachary Gaines of Cal Poly Pomona’s Bronco Space Lab points out the camera and sensor used in the team’s Bronco Ember technology to detect and track wildfires and other terrestrial events on Earth and other planets.
Aerostar / Anastasia Quanbeck

View Webinars Related to TechLeap

Part of our Community of Practice series, these webinars discussed researcher experiences and providing useful insights related to TechLeap.

webinar screenshot

NASA TechLeap Universal Payload Interface Challenge

This webinar discusses the NASA TechLeap Universal Payload Interface Challenge that is seeking a flight-ready universal payload interface.

Practicing Fly-Fix-Fly: Re-flight Opportunity Through NASA TechLeap Prize

At this webinar, presenters explore the “fly-fix-fly” ethos of the Flight Opportunities program and highlight best practices for quickly advancing space technologies. 

The Pace of Space: What's New in Suborbital Flight

This webinar discusses a number of new activities across NASA that influence the suborbital flight community, including TechLeap.

Advancing Space Teams webinar

NASA’s TechLeap Prize: Advancing Space Technologies and Innovative Teams

This webinar highlights the unique support that TechLeap provides by offering first-hand insight from winners of the inaugural TechLeap Prize: Autonomous Observation Challenge No. 1.