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Girl, 9, still critical after Dalston drive-by shooting as Met Police shares 'gang' update

The force added that the chances of anyone being a victim of gun crime are 'very, very low', but they should still 'be aware of their surroundings'

Commander Paul Brogden On Dalston Shooting

A nine-year-old girl shot in Dalston while having a meal with her family is still 'critical but stable' 19 days after the incident. The drive-by shooting on Kingsland High Street on May 29 saw three adults also injured.

Police have not yet caught the shooter. In a fresh update during a press briefing at New Scotland Yard, Commander Paul Brogden told media that 'gang involvement' was a line of inquiry. He told MyLondon that the community will understandably be 'frightened' following the shooting.

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Commander Brogden added: "Obviously, the Dalston incident was tragic "Our heart goes out to that young girl, who is still in hospital. I can't go into the details of that investigation. There are lots of police resources, lots of investigation, lots of additional protection to the public going on in that area."

On whether a similar incident could happen in the future, he said: "Well, I mean, it's a capital city with nine million people. But, importantly, we are doing absolutely everything we can, relentlessly, to crack down on gun crime."

Four people were hospitalised after suffering gunshot wounds(Image: James Manning/PA Wire)

'Be aware of your surroundings'

The top Met officer added: "You've seen the figures today - lowest levels of gun crime for 15 years. But we're not complacent, and there's always more work to do."

When asked what advice he has for Londoners going about their daily business in the city after the incident. Commander Brogden added: "I think, the chances of becoming a victim of gun crime here in London are very, very low. But I'm not going to say that incidents of gun crime don't occur.

"Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of your safety. If you do witness any incidents involving guns, have the trust to come forward and report it to the Metropolitan Police Service."