Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Education connects

According to Brown University Library, nearly all Brazilian immigrants come to the U.S. in search of higher wages, lower living costs, and a desire to escape the inflation that plagued Brazil until 1994. Even when prices stabilized in Brazil, salaries remained stagnant, and middle-...

Don't Miss

High School View

Town Columns

Oak Bluffs

“There’s an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes.”  –Forrest Gump Well,...


Heard on Main Street: Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a...

West Tisbury

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they...


Forgive me. The combination this week of an earlier deadline, the new limited length for...


We’ve officially reached the high-paced season on M.V. Hold onto your hats. The next 8...


COVID seems to be having something of a flare. I’ve been down with COVID and...

Community Notes

Phyllis Vecchia’s ‘Women in History’ program

Phyllis Vecchia’s Creative Drama enterprise had an exciting school year teaching women in history to...

Cookie honors

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts has named its “500 Club”; Scouts who sold more than...

Beth and Gary Smith 50th anniversary

Cheers to 50 years! Islanders Beth and Gary Smith are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary...

Youth Pride MV Bracelet

In 2023 Stephanie Wolf Designs created a bracelet to support Youth Pride MV, a local...

New Island Poet Laureate Crowned

Claudia Taylor has been chosen as the new poet laureate of Martha’s Vineyard for 2024–26.  She...

Community Voices

Our latest in the series, Voices of Veterans, is sponsored by Martha’s Vineyard Museum and supported by Martha’s Vineyard Mediation Program.
Click here for stories from Island veterans.