Thursday, July 25, 2024
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Poet's Corner

Poet’s Corner: Island Roads

Island Roads By Jeffrey Agnoli Beamers, rovers beaters, dreamers twenty-first century machines roam the roads across this piece of radiance amidst the Atlantic. Paths once traversed by much earlier humans nobler and saner walking in lines of earth energy the Mother laid out before time. Multidimensional roads that still remain offering...

Poet’s Corner: Times of conflict

Times of conflict By Cecily Bryant I think such hard times tend to draw the succor from the breadth of souls Spread from those with everything to those with nothing For what human being can not imagine the bleeding of a...

Poet’s Corner: I hear America crying

I hear America crying By Valerie Sonnenthal I hear America crying tears that cannot be wiped away on television screens monitors emphasize what is magnified lies on display like a hit parade who can top this does anything matter anymore anything not death or deploy let others...

Poet’s Corner: Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop By Beki Test they say the moon doesn’t belong in a poem you have written The moon is sometimes male no one knows what you mean its grad school and everyone feels superior they roll their eyes and...

Poet’s Corner: Mr. Bumblebee and Me

Mr. Bumblebee and Me By Liz Splittgerber  I had a happy visit Of the most unusual kind — A bee came to my house today And that I didn't mind He was quiet, he was sad I didn't ask him why I...

Poet’s Corner: Moving Day

Moving Day By Cecily Bryant Measuring the now empty rooms to see if the next rooms we inhabit will accommodate this prior life’s comforts Sweeping the dusty floors and the odd bits of living inevitably appear Tinsel from a long-ago Christmas...

Poet’s Corner: trouble

trouble By Michael Oliveira my ocd me requests you put it back where you know it belongs by that i imply in exactly the same spot facing the same way cause if you don't it could trouble me all night that i would not...

Poets Corner: May 1968: Lambert’s Cove

May 1968: Lambert’s Cove By Leroy Hazelton The sea is hidden At the end of worn grey planks, So life gently rises In the scent of ocean As you close your eyes Smiling And drift past original destinations, Out on the fragile nerve Where...

Poet’s Corner: ‘Experiment’

Experiment By Valerie Sonnenthal a hazy night sky mutes blinking red lights etched into the horizon silent lambs sleep in a heap of sheep under a beetlebung tree dogs lie in wait curled across limbs breathe as one sand in every pocket stuck in creases soles to...

Poet’s Corner: ‘Shadbush Signals’

Shadbush Signals By Jeffrey Agnoli Shadbush trees of all sizes bloom along the roads and through the mostly leafless woods signaling with sprays of white the return of the green wave whose renewing life will soothe wintered eyes lift conflicted hearts and transform inner...

Poet’s Corner: ‘Wild Hearts’

Wild Hearts By Cecily Bryant I tend to gravitate to the wilder hearts Those whose childhoods still shine through the corners of their eyes The tangled bittersweet and wind-seeded flowers draw us more assuredly than do other riches Foremost are memories of...

Poet’s Corner: ‘Next Door’

Next Door By Valerie Sonnenthal Lamb heaven’s hoppin’ only two days old little peeps baaas and a shove over from mama ten little lambs a lookin’ this way and that damp freeze of spring crocuses forsythia snowdrops and lambs whiter...

Poet’s Corner: ‘Ocean Eve’

Ocean Eve By John F. Kriscenski Waves crash against a silent shore. Surrounded by barnacles, water, and wind-beaten rocks. A sky of blue falls like watery paints upon a smooth canvas then recedes so quietly. A calm — birds screech in the...

Poet’s Corner: ‘A Very Good Example’

A Very Good Example By Sarah Joyce On the bottom of boredom lies the same playlist on a loop and in the isolation of perpetual questioning is an avoidance of Spring’s stillness. March here is my mother calling, telling me...

Poet’s Corner: ‘The Start of Spring’

The Start of Spring By Liz Splittgerber Sweet birdsong begun Music to my ears Sky seems much bluer Creeping phlox appears Dry garden yearns for Soaking April rains Warmer sun rises higher As sharp cold wind wanes Green shoots speak boldly Of greener things The promise...

Poet’s Corner: ‘Irish Music at the Black Dog Cafe’

Irish Music at the Black Dog Cafe By Christine G. Burke The boy so clearly the child of the man same voice same posture the man’s ease familiar the boy’s studied, effortful each on their bar stools some thirty years separating them and yet...

Poet’s Corner: Michael Oliveira

By Michael Oliveira when that red headed woodpecker returns between 4 and 6 am daily to thrum out a staccato beat on the metal gutter outside my bedroom to inform the local ladies of his availability for a round of avian misbehavian Michael Oliveira has...

Poet’s Corner: ‘The Lady at the Dumptique’

The Lady at the Dumptique By Leroy Hazelton Once she prayed for this Bottom of a butter dish, Chipped of course, That would almost fit the top Her grandmother gave her long ago, Saying to her, “You’ll know when the bottom finds...

Poet’s Corner: ‘in March, before we leave’

in March, before we leave By Susan Puciul 1. winter night in the yard the moon’s room her rise welling up through black lace of oak and beech seize of crystal on forest ground mirrors the stern shine of starry eyes above same as knew...

Poet’s Corner: ‘Things to Come’

Things to Come By Cecily Bryant Day dawns under sullen shelf clouds A promise of a cold rain A day for making soups and calling friends I am grateful for the colors of carrots and savory greens I am warmed...