Thursday, July 25, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Michelle Gerhard Jasny V.M.D.

Michelle Gerhard Jasny V.M.D.


Visiting Vet: Summertime hazards

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy. Or not. Let’s talk about summertime dangers for dogs. The first is an oldie but goodie. Heat. OMG, folks....

Visiting Vet: The tale of PeeWee

PeeWee is a young hypothetical cat. Let’s say he lives with his owner, who keeps him indoors to make sure he stays safe (with...

Visiting Vet: Brain inflammation — MUOs

Bonito is a handsome chocolate Labrador retriever who has had his share of challenges in life. As a pup, one of his testicles didn’t...

Visiting Vet: Do dogs get poison ivy?

I dragged the hose across the yard in a halfhearted attempt to start cleaning out our long-neglected shed. Critters have chewed holes in the...

Visiting Vet: Captain Jack

Captain Jack was a bad cat. Even as a tiny kitten, found abandoned in a church alleyway in Worcester, he had cattitude. A little,...

Visiting Vet: Aslan in his old age

When I was in veterinary school, long, long ago, I had a professor who used to say, “Old age is not a disease.” What...

Visiting Vet: Dog aggression — take it seriously

I’m running late. April 7 was the start of National Dog Bite Prevention Week, a project sponsored by a coalition of the American Veterinary...

Visiting Vet: Vaccines work

The pandemic has taught us many things … from how to “Zoom” to how little many Americans understand science, especially the concept of herd...

Visiting Vet: No lilies for kitties

Easter is right around the corner. For religious Christians, Easter is a time for celebrating their faith. For more secular folks, it is still...

Visiting Vet: Bored cats can overeat

A few years ago at her annual appointment, I mentioned to Augusta’s owner that the cat was a little chubby. OK, maybe I said...

Visiting Vet: Gemma’s dilemma

Thursday is my day providing “Urgent Veterinary Care” on the Vineyard. Despite the fact that I haven’t taken on new clients in years, for...

Visiting Vet: The saga of heartworm meds

In 1977, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first canine heartworm preventive medication. I was just starting veterinary school. The drug was...

Visiting Vet: A heart murmur can mean many things

Smurf is a classic example of what veterinarians call an LWD. That’s a Little White Dog. He happens to be a Maltese–toy poodle cross,...

Visiting Vet: On call

I wasn’t too concerned about being short-staffed, even though it was my turn on call for “urgent care.” A small group of veterinary practices...

Visiting Vet: Let’s try happy

It’s January. I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, but if I had to pick one for 2024, it’s simply this: Happy...

Visiting Vet: Onions and garlic are toxic for cats and dogs

Every time my friend Gail brings her pup for a veterinary visit, she also brings me a little bag. Usually when clients do this,...

Visiting Vet: Aging gracefully

I only met my little friend Beulah two years ago. She was already a senior citizen, with bilateral cataracts (meaning both eyes were affected),...

Visiting Vet: Cats in the cradle?

I’ve been watching with both empathy and amusement the trials and tribulations of Facebook friends with their various cats and kittens. I wish all...

Visiting Vet: Dog behavior

“When you walk your dog, you are on a date with him,” the speaker said in his charming Italian accent. “You wouldn’t like it...

Visiting Vet: Helping Geezer get around

My recent articles have been about depressing topics. Sudden death. Home burials. Constipation. I promised my editor I would write something more cheerful soon....