Keep our Island beautiful


To the Editor:

We who love the beauty of this Island have been picking up and disposing of beach trash for years … Beach BeFrienders (sponsored by VCS) was formed a year ago to connect us and encourage more participation in this soul-satisfying endeavor. Together or on our own, we gather and dispose of all sorts of debris such as water bottles, balloons, rope, and a huge variety of other plastic items.

Yesterday on the south shore, we found a most distressing situation: a Northern gannet (the largest seabird in the North Atlantic) with a fishing net wrapped tightly around its neck. The beautiful bird was not alive. Imagining this great bird strangled and entangled brought on a deep anguish for us.

We appeal to all beachgoers, party planners, fisherman, sailors, and all of us to think about what we use and how it might enter the ocean and endanger wildlife. Pick up plastic and other debris, don’t buy balloons or other plastic items for your gathering, upcycle plastic, adopt reusable water bottles.

Join the movement to collect our marine debris! Pick up our beach cleanup kit at any Island library — which includes a free dump sticker. Or join a VCS Beach BeFriender clean up this summer, scheduled every fourth Saturday. On June 29th, we’ll be cleaning all Aquinnah public beaches. Those who have access to others, please pitch in!


Mary Marro and Laurisa Rich

Beach BeFrienders