
—MV Times

Heard on Main Street:

I am pleased the Grace Church lobster rolls are back. That makes summer better.

I’ve started reading “The Comfort of Ghosts,” by Jacqueline Winspear. She says this is the last of the Maisie Dobbs series. I have enjoyed them all, as well as rereading more than a few over the years.

I used to complain about our neighborhood turkeys. Yesterday a mama just strolled through my yard, with nine baby chicks.

A former Islander sent me a short article written by her neighbor, named Tom Mayhew. Really. While I had some adventures with invading turkeys, I never actually got into battle with one.

This man formerly lived in Philadelphia, where the neighborhood was suddenly overrun with peacocks and peahens, escapees from a farm. The city began gathering them up, a few at a time. After there was only one peacock left, it attacked him in his yard. He fended it off with a birdfeeder, and the bird was finally taken away.

That reminded me of a close call with a peahen who escaped from the National Zoo when we lived in D.C. I was visiting an older lady who lived in a nearby tall building. The peahen flew up to my friend’s balcony — where it was rescued by zoo employees.

Can’t help but think that the hot weather replacing our lovely days of last week must be to make us realize that climate change is really happening. And to remind us that there are things we can each do to improve the situation.

The weekly Summer Stars Children’s Theater Camp at the M.V. Playhouse runs to August 23. The program exploring the magic of theater and art for ages 8 to 14 does have limited enrollment. 

Enjoy “Celebrity Autobiography,” a humorous stage show where celebrities read aloud from memoirs on Saturday, July 6, at 7 pm at the M.V. Performing Arts Center. This is a benefit for the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse.

Worried about ticks? Our V.H. library offers “The Tick Talk” on Tuesday, July 2, at 6 pm. Learn from Patrick Roden-Reynolds, public health biologist and director of the mv tick program. 

The M.V. Film Society opens the annual FilmMusic Festival this Thursday, June 27, at 6:30 pm, and running through Sunday. The opening will be followed by a 7:30 showing of “Bob Marley: One Love.” The weekend will be filled with films, musical performances, and Q and As, celebrating music, culture, and film, sponsored by Vineyard Wind and the Mass Cultural Council. Passes are now available.

Happy anniversary to Robert and Juliana Rogers on Monday.

Big bunches of birthday balloons go out to Leslie Craven on Thursday. Emma Kristal parties on Friday. Happy birthday to Kenny Ivory on Monday. Tuesday belongs to Sioux Eagle and Marina Lent. Larry Gomez celebrates on Wednesday.

Heard on Main Street: Welcome to global warming and flooding! That melting Arctic icecap is showing up on our doorstep. Does this mean we should make ice while we can?

If you have any Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Kay Mayhew, tashmoorock@gmail.com.