
—MV Times

As I write this, it is gray and has a slight chill to the air. I’d say that this spring has been a lovely lazy spring, with bursts of tourists and quiet calm, warm and cool, sunny and foggy, all taking turns from day to day. My lilac bushes and the flowering bushes have loved it, and I, myself, have appreciated this chance to be outside in comfort. That said, my summer clothes are out of boxes and back in the closet; my winter coats and hats and gloves are packed away. Outermost Inn opens for dinner on the 13th. I answer the phones for them two mornings a week, and I can tell you that the reservations have been pouring in for the entire season. Meanwhile, the shops on the Cliffs are hopping, and I see bikers and hikers on the roads. I know that summer is a-comin’.

On Friday, June 14, my beloved granddaughter, Tillie Taylor, graduates from Chilmark School. It was just a blink ago that I sat on the floor by her as she tried to put up with having to lie on a mat at rest time in preschool. The years sped by as she grew and learned, with creative and well-researched science projects, homemade games and costumes for Halloween celebrations, school plays, music performances, Maypole dances, library story times, school trips on the Shenandoah, and hundreds of morning circles. Now she’s off to middle school, and taller than me, but still the smart, loving, empathetic, responsible, and brave soul she has always been. 

Congratulations to Tillie, and to all in the Chilmark School class of 2024. It’s been marvelous watching you all grow. Everyone at Chilmark School, including lovely Mary at the front desk who tends to everyone’s needs, and each of the teachers who shower their creativity and care onto their students, deserves a big thank-you. Heroes all.

The Aquinnah library is offering a special craft on Saturday, June 15. All are invited to drop by and create a card or a craft for Father’s Day. This town has lots of great dads, and dad substitutes. Don’t forget to honor them on Sunday.

The Up-Island Council on Aging is hosting a picnic at Polly Hill on Monday, June 17. Polly Hill is splendid in its spring glory, and the company will be terrific. The phone number at the council is 508-693-2896, and you need to sign up in advance.

It is always hard to lose our grownups, those who have advised us in times of trouble, or who stood as examples of how to be a graceful and impactful human being. Ron Rappaport was town counsel to Aquinnah for more than 40 years. Upon Ron’s sudden death, our town administrator, Jeffrey Madison, sent out a short and powerful announcement which described Ron as “a fine attorney, who always provided just advice … [and was] a fine, thoughtful, kind human being.” Ron was an always-present, calming voice at our town meetings, dispensing wise advice and gentle humor when needed. He will be missed.

Be sure to send me your news, and your birthday and anniversary dates. I hate to leave anybody out.

If you have any Aquinnah Town Column suggestions, email Kathie Olson,