Oak Bluffs: Full moon, planting trees, Kathy Poehler, Featherstone, and Meals on Wheels

—MV Times

“Shoot for the moon — even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.” —Les Brown

Where were you for the great eclipse of 2024? Although we did not experience totality, people seemed to really enjoy it across the Island. I loved that folks took a break from their weekday routines to witness something special. It was a beautiful day for people to gather on the hill at the museum, in parks, and on beaches. I was at Lambert’s Cove Beach, where it was a bit chilly but still beautiful, and a great place to watch the moon hide the sun. It was fun to see the photos from people who traveled north for the totality, like our own Michael Blanchard, who braved the long journey and crazy traffic to supply us with his fabulous pictures.

The moon will put on another show this month, with the full moon rising on Tuesday, April 23. This is the “Pink Moon,” although the moon itself won’t be pink (unless you’ve been having some pink drinks!). The moon was named for the springtime wildflowers native to Eastern North America called creeping phlox. These moon names come from various sources: Native American, Colonial American and European, and they generally refer to the lunar month, not just the day of the full moon. Some Native American names for this full moon refer to seasonal change (“Breaking Ice Moon,” Algonquin) and animal behavior (“Frog Moon,” Cree). The forecast looks good for Tuesday, so get out to see this full moon. Pink drinks are optional!

Thank you to everyone who came out for the Oak Bluffs town meeting. Democracy in action, and in person, is always so great to see. Congratulations to our new select board member, Mark Leonard. Thank you to Jason Balboni for his service to our town, and also to Ewell Hopkins, who has stepped down from the planning board.

Besides town meeting, we have more signs of spring, with restaurants in town opening back up. The Lookout, the Red Cat, and Jimmy Seas are all open again. And the Flying Horses opened on Easter weekend, and is open every day over school vacation week.

Don’t forget to help the Oak Bluffs tree planting this Saturday, April 20. Join the team at 9 am at Niantic Park, and help get 10 more trees planted in our parks. You don’t have to help with all 10! Lend a hand for whatever you can do; it will be appreciated!

There will be an art reception at the Oak Bluffs library on Saturday, April 20, from 1 to 3 pm. “Ebb & Flow” is a showing of Kathy Poehler’s seaweed artwork, which will remain on display for the month. I just love seaweed art, and her work; can’t wait to see it.

More art is on view at Featherstone Center for the Arts, with “Take Flight,” the exhibit on view now through April 28. Photographs and artwork by 40 artists take you on a journey through various perspectives from aerial Island views to down into the deep sea. It is breathtaking — be sure to stop and take it in.

I know I have mentioned this before, but Meals on Wheels is a great way to volunteer in our community. I drive on Mondays, and I have met some wonderful people. I find it a great way to start the week, and it only takes a couple of hours. This service helps people who are alone at home, or maybe recovering from illness or surgery. If you have time to give, please call Elder Services at 508-693-4393.

April says “Happy Birthday” to Megan Briere on the 18th. Mark Baird celebrates his day on the 19th. On the 20th, we send balloons to Matt Leonard. Happy birthday to Heidi Ganser, Jeff Bryant, and Shelby Ponte on April 22. April 24 brings lots of birthday balloons for Judy Murray, James Moreis, Sharisse Scott-Rawlins, and special birthday hugs to Barbara Coles Oberfest.

Send me your news!

If you have any Oak Bluffs Town Column suggestions, email Joanne Lambert, joannelamber@gmail.com.