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Filter by city: Montreal | Laval | Québec City

Montreal saw upwards of 79.2 millimetres of rainfall on Wednesday, crushing Environment Canada's July 10 record of 32.5 millimetres in 1945. It was also the wettest day on record in more than 20 years.

Similar weather in Montreal is expected to continue through Thursday, with forecasters warning of heavy rain, between 15 and 25 millimetres, in the morning alone.

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Many Montreal fans of rapper 50 Cent say they were left disappointed by his show at Beachclub on Sunday.

It wasn't because they were embarrassed that his name was misspelled — well, at least it wasn't only that. Rather, concert-goers are complaining because the rapper only performed for 20 minutes, apparently exiting the stage abruptly without explanation.

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Rapper and business mogul 50 Cent performed at Montreal's Beachclub over the weekend. But looking at the big block letters projected onto the stage behind him at the show, audience members would've noticed something unusual.

Appearing in front of a huge crowd — belting out classics including "Just A Lil Bit" and "In Da Club" — the hip hop artist's name flashed behind him. Except that it wasn't his name. It was a misspelling with an extra 's' added, turning him from 50 Cent into "50 Cents."

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For those who drive in the city — enduring potholes, construction, detours, honking, orange cones and Rue Barré after Rue Barré — it shouldn't come as a shock that Montreal has ranked among the most congested cities in the world.

(We would congratulate you on the fact that your complaints are now officially justified, but it's not exactly a win.)

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Whether you refer to yourself as a cyclist or a biker, have your own bicycle or ride a BIXI, prefer e-bikes or keep it classic, 'tis the season to hop on a two-wheel pedal-powered vehicle and cruise the streets of Montreal — ideally taking advantage of the city's many pathways.

However, while there are numerous benefits to cycling — from skipping traffic to exercising to environmental sustainability — it can also be dangerous. Between 2021 and 2022, the Canadian Institute for Health Information reported 1,183 cases of injured cyclists being hospitalized in Quebec, and just as recently as this month, a cyclist was seriously injured after colliding with a car in the Plateau Mont-Royal.

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With Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day aka Quebec's Fête nationale (national holiday) fast approaching, you may be gearing up for a long weekend filled with festivities in celebration of la belle province.

Or, perhaps you've got no plans at all other than sitting at home — whether to contemplate the province's complicated history or watch reality TV as you revel in a day off work. Either way, it's important to keep in mind that Monday is a statutory holiday so not everything will be up and running as per usual.

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