Crime, Law and Justice

Petition to replace MPD submitted to Minneapolis city officials

A person buts another box on top of a stack.
Munira Mohamed of the ACLU of Minnesota stacks boxes of petitions being delivered to the Minneapolis City Clerk inside of the City Hall on Friday.
Evan Frost | MPR News

A group delivered more than 20,000 signatures to the Minneapolis City Hall on Friday as part of an effort to replace the city's Police Department with a new Department of Public Safety.

The coalition Yes 4 Minneapolis is trying to get a measure on the ballot this fall that would strike a section of the Minneapolis City Charter requiring the police department be the only option for public safety, and create a new Public Safety Department.

The petition was received by the city clerk and election administrator.

Corenia Smith, Yes 4 Minneapolis’ campaign manager, said the changes would remove police from the city's charter.

“We are changing the charter to replace language passed by voters 60 years ago, to create a new Department of Public Safety. It is 2021. It is not 1961,” Smith said.

The petition by Yes 4 Minneapolis, a coalition of groups including Black Visions and Reclaim the Block, is one of three ballot initiatives aimed at reforming public safety. A separate effort has been proposed by members of the City Council.

The petition will be presented to the city's Charter Commission Wednesday. It will then immediately return to the city clerk, who will begin validating signatures. If there are enough valid signatures, results will be presented to the City Council on May 17.