
Mountain Weather Forecasts for Mountains around the World

Dedicated mountain weather forecasts for more than 11300 (and growing) major summits for climbers and mountaineers, provided for up to 8 different elevations.

While this information may be indispensable in planning your ascent, please treat it critically and verify against other sources. Our weather algorithms are thoroughly tested and proven to work well for thousands of mountain ski resorts and surf breaks; however, the database of mountain locations may contain errors at this early stage. Please send your feedback – it will be crucial for ironing out bugs and expanding the forecast coverage.

Mountain peaks closest to you

We have determined your approximate geographical location by the IP address, which suggests these 10 closest mountain peaks. Click to see more info and weather forecasts.

  1. Hogback Mountain (Loudoun County, Virginia) 204 m
  2. Furnace Mountain (Virginia) 891 m
  3. Sugarloaf Mountain (Maryland) 391 m
  4. Short Hill Mountain 440 m
  5. Raven Rocks 443 m
  6. Purcell Knob 1200 m
  7. Loudoun Heights (Mountain) 1180 m
  8. Lambs Knoll 536 m
  9. High Knob (Blue Ridge, Virginia) 728 m
  10. North Mountain (Virginia-West Virginia) 510 m
  11. Catoctin Mountain 579 m
  12. Quirauk Mountain 654 m
  13. Signal Knob (Virginia) 642 m
  14. Third Hill Mountain 662 m
  15. Sleepy Creek Mountain 580 m
  16. Pignut Mountain 773 m
  17. Timber Ridge 413 m
  18. Knob Mountain (Page County, Virginia) 872 m
  19. Bear Garden Mountain 1566 m
  20. Mary's Rock 1071 m

Mountains of United States | Mountain peaks in the world

Mountain Weather forecast maps

Our servers produce detailed animated and static weather maps for more than 1230 regions of the world. See the example below or click the links above to open full lists. You can also open a weather map from any mountain peak page – it will show you that particular summit position and other major mountains in the area.

Latest submitted climbing notes

Prospect Mountain (Vermont)


Top of mountain is accessed from Prospect Mountain cross country (XC) ski trails. Park at ski lodge that is at 2,150 feet elevation. Hike up XC ski trails. Cell tower on top of mountain. Have not been there when there is no snow, so have only skied to top and back. Can do round trip from the lodge to the summit and back on skis in 1.5 to 2 hours. Franz from UNITED STATES - 29 Mar 2024

Submit your own climbing note for Prospect Mountain (Vermont)



Difficulty: Moderate to Hard depending on physical fitness

Duration: Approximately 40 minutes to an hour climb up, 20 mins (recommended time) for photos and volcano experience, less than 30 mins down. Timing-wise may look and sound easy but there are certain steep spots with loose volcanic rocks along the climb that can ware you down easily so be mentally and physically prepared and don't underestimate the climb before you start.

Clothes: Wear light pants (long/short is okay). Proper closed shoes (hiking shoes). Hats and sun glasses are necessary.

Recommended time to spend top according to the Volcanologists at Rabaul Volcano Observatory, is 20 mins.

Avoid the cracks on the edge of the caldera at all times when you are up there.

Along the track, the volcanic rocks are rather sharp. Watch where you put your hands for support.

Bring a lot of water and drink a lot of water especially when you're climbing during the day when the sun is really hot. Also bring along a can of regular coke or any sugary soft drinks or a candy bar just in case you dehydrate and need sugar. If you have access to electrolytes, bring them along.

Altitude sickness or dizziness is normal about 3 quarters of the way up. We have had a good number of climbers experience that. We just let them rest, drink water, close their eyes and regain their mental balance and then we continue. Not too sure what others do. I am no expert but this is what I have done from the many experiences I have had along the climb. Dominic Tulo from PAPUA NEW GUINEA - 26 Mar 2024

Submit your own climbing note for Tavurvur

Bluff Knoll


Having climbed Bluff almost 20 times, I have to agree - the cooler months (April - Oct) are way easier, especially given that the shade canopy was destroyed by fire a couple of years ago.
Once you hit approx 2/3rds up and you hit a sharp left . . the weather may change drastically. Please take note of this - this mountain has almost claimed my life twice in severe weather, she takes no prisoners on the final stretch when the weather is bad.
If you are in any way unsure or not a confident climber prepared to stay the night at the top . . be very mindful of changing conditions from 900m and up.
I can concur though . . . beware of Drop Bears. KERRI KOALA from AUSTRALIA - 16 Mar 2024

Click here to read 2 more climbing note(s) for Bluff Knoll or submit your own

Live weather observations from meteo stations

For each mountain we keep a list of nearby meteo stations reporting current weather observations many times per day. Gather all available weather information before heading out to the mountains for climbing, walking, mountaineering or any other outdoor pursuit.