Morgan Stanley
  • Giving Back

Grant Guidelines


Grant Guidelines

Morgan Stanley's commitment to making a positive contribution to society is a direct reflection of the Firm's core values. For over 60 years, the Morgan Stanley Foundation has been guided by the passions, talents and hard work of our employees. We strive to create transformative change in our communities and to inspire our employees towards a lifetime of committed engagement. Our efforts are fourfold:

  • Encourage, recognize and reward employee volunteer efforts 
  • Create and deliver excellence in children’s healthcare by focusing on the fundamentals for children’s physical and cognitive development, including sustained access to healthy and nutritious food, safe places to play, and access to quality physical and mental health care, including through the Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children’s Mental Health launched in 2020
  • Invest in students in order to create access and opportunity in the financial services sector for members of diverse and underserved communities 
  • Support the Firm’s response to natural disasters and other crises

The overview below provides specific information regarding funding requests and associated requirements and restrictions.

Funding Guidelines and Restrictions


Morgan Stanley initiates the vast majority of our grants. Therefore, Community Affairs does not accept unsolicited proposals. 

Geographic Scope

Morgan Stanley Community Affairs grants and programs, with few exceptions, benefit U.S.-based charities. Our funding is limited to national initiatives and those serving multiple cities across the United States. Our support of local initiatives (serving only one metropolitan area or state) is restricted to those organizations for which our employees are active and ongoing volunteers. Local grants are therefore coordinated solely through our Volunteer Incentive Program.

Volunteer Incentive Program

The Morgan Stanley Foundation recognizes and supports employee volunteer efforts and fosters relationships with our local communities by offering grants through the Volunteer Incentive Program (“VIP”). The VIP supports local health and social service charities and programs where Firm employees are directly engaged by providing grants ranging in size from $500 to $2,000. Applications for VIP grants must be initiated by the employee involved. Charities cannot apply directly for VIP grants.


Morgan Stanley Community Affairs does not make contributions that fall within the following categories: 

  • Organizations without 501(c)(3) public charity exemption or other charitable status
  • Special events including dinners, walks, runs and golf events 
  • Political causes, candidates, campaigns or lobbying programs 
  • Religious, fraternal or professional sports organizations 
  • Capital and endowment campaigns outside of our core hospital relationships 
  • Grants to individuals
  • Documentaries, individual performing arts groups or productions 

For more information on how we give back, please see here.


Morgan Stanley Community Affairs
1585 Broadway
New York, New York 10036