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MongoDB Atlas

Stream Processing

On this page

  • Stream Processing Instance (SPI)
  • Data Transfer
  • VPC Peering

You incur Atlas Stream Processing costs for the following items:

  • Stream Processing Instance (SPI)

  • Data Transfer


Limited Cloud Provider and Regional Availability

As of Public Preview, Atlas Stream Processing is only available in the AWS us-east-1 region.

Atlas charges per hour per Stream Processing Instance worker, where the worker resources and the hourly rate are determined by the Stream Processing Instance tier. You are billed when there is at least one stream processor running in your Stream Processing Instance tier. A Stream Processing Instance worker can run up to 4 stream processors. The 5th stream processor will spin up a new worker for which you will be charged an additional Stream Processing Instance worker. Billing is recorded in one-second increments.

Atlas charges prices of $0.19 per hour for an SP10 worker and $0.39 per hour for an SP30 worker. Each SP10 worker provides 1 vCPU and 2 GB of RAM, and each SP30 worker provides 2 vCPU and 8 GB of RAM.


Exceptions to Stream Processing Instance Cost

Atlas doesn't charge for storage.


Upcoming Stream Processing Instance Tiers

The upcoming SP50 worker tier for Atlas Stream Processing provides 8 vCPU and 32 GB of RAM at a price of $1.56 per hour.

Atlas charges $0.09 per GB for all egress data transfer.


See also:

  • Atlas pricing page

  • Atlas Stream Processing Overview

Atlas Stream Processing charges $0.05 per hour for all VPC peering connections. To learn more, see Networking.


Data Transfer


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